Think Big  Start small

Innovation excellence

Are you curious if you utilize your full Innovation potential? Or how other organizations Innovate in this digital era? Is your organization sufficiently customer centric what is the golden rule for the amount of incremental, fundamental & radical Innovation?  We can help you answering these questions, by benchmarking, measuring your Innovation potential or analyzing your organization to deliver hands-on improvement recommendations. Based on 20 years of Innovation experience we can support you

Project Management

Large multi stakeholder or partner projects can be very time consuming and complex to manage. Having the right capabilities is quite a challenge, a mix between managerial skills and technical capabilities is required, preferably with well developed communication skills to keep all stakeholders onboard. Our professionals have minimum of 10 years project management experience in large multi-stakeholder projects. Combined with technical expertise and consulting skills they can relief your organization from these complex tasks so you can focus on your core Innovation activities.

View of brown folders, with focus on grants label, Concept of funding, 3D illustration

R&D Finance

Having a solid background in (public) grants & incentives we can support your Innovation activities by grants acquisition or compliance issues. Both on regional, national as well as EU level we have a sound track record in supporting startups,  SME’s, corporates and universities.

Although funding should not be a primary goal, it helps in the execution of collaborative Innovation projects to kick-start the process. Finding the right projectpartners, defining a work programme that fits your needs, writing an appealing project application and defining an implementation plan close to your normal way of working is what we do best.